By preparing ahead of an ensuing interview, you have given yourself a distinct advantage. Many of the job-seekers develop a belief that they are smart enough to tackle the interview successfully and there is need for specific preparation for an interview. However, this belief turns to be fallacious and they do not fair as well in the interview as they should have done. This happens not because of their lack of competence but because of lack of their right mental framework in the interview process.
Therefore, there is a need for specific preparation for an interview. One great army general has said, “If you shed more sweat in peace, you will have to shed less blood in a battle.” What is true for a battle is true for an interview too. Therefore, keep yourself fully prepared before you face an interview. This preparation will help you in two ways. First you will never feel surprised or awkwardness even if you face any unexpected question from the interviewers. Second when you have prepared yourself fully, you develop confidence in you. Because of this confidence, you can do much better than when you have not prepared yourself fully.
Your preparation should revolve around the following aspects: Click accordingly
- Know yourself fully.
- Research the organization.
- Research the job requirements.
- Prepare technical questions.
- Prepare informational and behavioral questions.
- Rehearse standard questions.
- Have mock interview.
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I have been attending interviews for ITES companies for long time.But I always get rejected in group discussion round.I really don't know how to workout on it.Do U have any info about any user guides on corporate trainings program?
Tks very much for post:
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Source: Interview skills
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